Jean-Marie DUBOIS

Associé le 7 décembre 2007
Directeur de Recherche CNRS, Classe exceptionnelle
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8, rue du Docteur Zivré - 54340 POMPEY
Physique des métaux et alliages
Jean-Marie Dubois est un spécialiste des alliages métalliques complexes. En retraite du CNRS depuis 2015, et directeur de recherche émérite de cet organisme, il est conseiller scientifique à temps partiel de l’Institut Jožef Stefan de Ljubljana (Slovénie). Docteur es-sciences physiques de l’Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, il est également Dr. Hon. Causa des universités de l’Iowa (USA) et du Paraíba (Brésil). Il est professeur de l’Université Technologique de Dalian (Chine) et de l’école doctorale Jožef Stefan de Ljubljana. Il a reçu plusieurs distinctions dont le prix Péchiney de l’Académie des Sciences de Paris, le prix IBM en science des matériaux, le Robert F. Mehl Award de la TMS aux USA, la médaille d’Or de la Ville de Nancy et le Prix de la Science de l’Union Internationale des Sociétés du Vide. Il est membre de l’Académie Lorraine des Sciences et correspondant-associé de l’Académie de Stanislas. Il a fondé en 2003 l’Institut Jean Lamour (UMR 7198) qu’il a dirigé jusqu’à fin 2012 et qui est le laboratoire le plus important en termes d’effectifs de l’Institut de Chimie du CNRS. De 2005 à 2010, il a coordonné le réseau d’excellence européen CMA qui a implanté la thématique des intermétalliques complexes en Europe.
Ses travaux scientifiques ont porté successivement sur les alliages métalliques amorphes, les métaux liquides, les quasicristaux et les composés intermétalliques complexes. Il s’est intéressé aux propriétés structurales et cristallographiques, au transport électronique et à la structure électronique de ces matériaux. Il en a découvert plusieurs niches applicatives et contribué à leur mise en œuvre industrielle, notamment sous vide. Ses travaux sur l’adhésion et le frottement des quasicristaux ont initié plusieurs études sous ultra-vide, un thème développé dans son laboratoire par l’équipe ‘Métallurgie et Surfaces’ ainsi que dans plusieurs instituts à l’étranger. Les poudres de quasicristaux qu’il a mises au point sont à l’origine du développement spectaculaire de la Société des Ateliers Cini (Tomblaine, près de Nancy) dans le domaine de la fabrication additive. Son activité de recherche est aujourd’hui placée dans le cadre d’un laboratoire international associé entre le CNRS, l’Université de Lorraine et l’Institut Jožef Stefan. Elle est dédiée à la découverte de nouveaux cristaux à maille unitaire géante ainsi qu’à la surface des alliages push-pull étudiés sous ultra-vide.
Jean-Marie Dubois est l’auteur de plus de 400 articles scientifiques, de 14 brevets et de 2 monographies. Il a édité une demie douzaine d’ouvrages collectifs. Il a donné plus de 300 conférences invitées et séminaires en France ainsi que dans de nombreux pays développés ou en voie de développement. Il a encadré une cinquantaine de doctorants et post-doctorants. Un prix scientifique international géré aux USA par l’Université de l’Iowa porte son nom.
Alliages ternaires dont une paire atomique au moins est attractive alors qu’une autre (au moins) est répulsive (Dubois et al., Kirk-Othmer Enc. Chem. Tech., DOI : 10.1002/0471238961.koe00012).
Production scientifique écrite de Jean-Marie Dubois
Directeur de Recherche Emérite au Centre National de la Recherche scientifique - Section 15 : Chimie des matériaux, nanomatériaux et procédés
Mise à jour : février 2018.
1) Les quasicristaux, matière à paradoxes; C. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS, EDP Sciences, Les Ulis, Collection Métallogénia (1998), 370 pages.
2) Useful Quasicrystals; J.M. DUBOIS, World Scientific, Singapour (2005), 470 pages.
Édition d'Ouvrages Collectifs
Quasicrystalline Materials, Proceedings of the ILL/CODEST Workshop, Grenoble, March 1988; Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS Editeurs, World Scientific, Singapore (1988).
Numéro Spécial Quasicristaux, J.M. DUBOIS, Éditeur invité, Annales de Chimie Fr., vol. 18 (1993).
New Horizons in Quasicrystals : Research and Applications; A.I. GOLDMAN, D.J. SORDELET, P.A. THIEL, J.M. DUBOIS Eds., World Scientific, Singapour (1997), 340 pages.
Quasicrystals; D.J. SORDELET, J.M. DUBOIS, Guest Editors, MRS Bulletin, numéro de Novembre 1997.
Quasicrystals, Preparation, Properties and Applications; Proceedings of Symposium LL, MRS Fall 98, Eds. J.M. DUBOIS, P.A. THIEL, A. P. TSAI and K. URBAN, Materials Research Society, Warendale (1999) 524p.
Complex Metallic Alloys, Fundamentals and Applications; Eds. J.M. DUBOIS and E. BELIN-FERRÉ, Wiley (Weinheim, 2010), 409 p.
Recent Patents on Materials Science, Vol. 8, Num. 2 (2015); J.M. DUBOIS, Guest Editor, Bentham Science Publishers, USA (2015).
3. Chapitres de livres et articles de revue
Results on Mössbauer Spectroscopy in the study of carbides and nitrides of steels; J. FOCT, G. LE CAER, J.M. DUBOIS, R. FAIVRE Proceedings International Conference on Carbides, Borides and Nitrides in Steels, Kolobrzeg, Pologne, 5 (1978), p. 225-269.
Application de la spectrométrie Mössbauer à l'étude des amalgames dentaires : cinétique de formation de la phase g2; J.M. DUBOIS, J.G. DUMAGNY, F. DUPONT, G. LE CAER, M. CLEMENT Métallurgie Dentaire (1980), 95-112, eds. P. Guiraldenq et F. Blanc-Benon.
Quasiperiodic structures : a new way for crystallography ?; Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS Teaching Modern Physics, (1989) 214-243, World Scientific, Singapore, eds. K. Lücher, H. Deger, R. Gengler, K. Worg.
The structure of quasicrystals : from diffraction patterns to atom positions; Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS, M. de BOISSIEU Geometry and Thermodynamics of Quasicrystals, Liquid Crystals and Incommensurate Systems, ed. J.C. Toledano, NATO-ASI Series, 229-B,(1990) 9-24.
Non-crystalline aluminium alloys : fundamentals and applications; J.M. DUBOIS Trends in Non-Crystalline Solids, eds. A. Conde, C.F. Conde, M. Millan, World Scientific, Singapore (1992) 343-363.
Matériaux Métalliques; G. BECK, J.M. DUBOIS La science au présent, Encyclopédia Universalis vol II (1992) 394-396.
Les propriétés des quasicristaux; J.M. DUBOIS, in Les Symétries de la Nature, Dossier Hors-Série, Pour la Science, Juillet 1998 (paru initialement dans Pour la Science, 226 (1996) 52-59.
Potential applications of quasicrystalline materials; J.M. DUBOIS, P. BRUNET, E. BELIN-FERRE, in Quasicrystals, Current Topics, eds. E. Belin-Ferré, C. Berger, M. Quiquandon et A. Sadoc (World Scientific, Singapour, 2000), p. 498-532.
Quasicrystals; E. MACIA, J.M. DUBOIS, P.A. THIEL, Ullman’s Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH, Weinheim, Germany. Publiée sous forme électronique sur (2002).
Quasicrystals as hierarchical packing of overlapping clusters; C. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS, Introduction to the Physics of Quasicrystals, eds. J.B. Suck et al., Springer Verlag, Berlin, (2002) 183-198.
Bulk and surface properties of quasicrystalline materials and their potential applications; J.M. DUBOIS, Introduction to the Physics of Quasicrystals, eds. J.B. Suck et al., Springer Verlag, Berlin, (2002) 507-538.
Aperiodic intermetallics : the example of quasicrystals; E. BELIN-FERRÉ, V. DEMANGE, J.M. DUBOIS, Crystallography Reviews 10 (2004) 111-179.
Pseudo-gap and properties of Al-based complex and aperiodic compounds; E. BELIN-FERRÉ, J.M. DUBOIS, The Science of Complex Alloys, eds. P.E.A. Turchi and T.B. Massalski (TMS, Warrendale, 2005), 281-324.
A new work space for materials science and engineering in Nancy; J.M. DUBOIS, P. BRUNET, Work Spaces in Art, Science and Business, D. Billier, T. Froehlicher & J.B. Joly Eds. (Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, 2006); p. 32-69.
An introduction to complex metallic alloys and to the CMA Network of Excellence; J.M. DUBOIS, in Complex Metallic Alloys Series, Vol. I: Basics of Thermodynamics and Phase Transitions in Complex Intermetallics, Ed. E. Belin-Ferré (World Scientif, Singapour, 2008), p 1-29.
Those properties of CMAs we know something about; V. FOURNÉE, M.G. BARTHÈS-LABROUSSE, J.M. DUBOIS, Trans Tech. Pub., 138 (2008) 407-450.
Les alliages métalliques complexes; J.M. DUBOIS, in La matière grise, premier élément d’alliage en métallurgie, Ed. J.P. Morniroli (LMPGM, Villeneuve d’Asq, 2008).
Metallic, complex, and so different; J.M. DUBOIS, in Complex Metallic Alloys Series, Vol. II, Ed. E. Belin-Ferré (World Scientific, Singapour, 2009), pp. 1-92.
Introduction to the Science of Complex Metallic Alloys; J.M. DUBOIS, E. BELIN-FERRÉ, M. FEUERBACHER, in Complex Metallic Alloys, Fundamentals and Applications, Eds J.M. Dubois and E. Belin-Ferré. (Wiley, Weinheim, 2010), p. 1- 39.
Quasicrystals and Complex Metallic Alloys; J.M. DUBOIS, E. BELIN-FERRE, A.P. TSAI, Kirk-Ohtmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Wiley, New York, (2016) 1-19. DOI: 10.1002/0471238961.koe00012.
4. Articles invités
Etude par spectrométrie Mössbauer des alliages métalliques amorphes et des semi-conducteurs amorphes; G. LE CAER, J.M. DUBOIS Revue de Physique Appliquée, 15 (1980) 1049-56.
Etude par spectrométrie Mössbauer des alliages métalliques amorphes et des semi-conducteurs amorphes; G. LE CAER, J.M. DUBOIS Revue de Physique Appliquée, 15 (1980) 1049-56.
Les verres métalliques; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER Le Courrier du CNRS, Images des Matériaux, 66 (1987) 3-8.
Quasicrystals; Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. F : Metal Physics, 18 (1988) 2303-2343.
Amorphous alloys and quasicrystals studied by neutron diffraction; J.M. DUBOIS, Chr. JANOT II Curso difusion de neutrones, Blanes (Espagne), novembre 1988, X. Obradors ed.
Les alliages amorphes d'aluminium; D. BECHET, G. REGAZZONI, J.M. DUBOIS Pour la Science, avril 1989.
Les quasicristaux : quelles applications technologiques ?; JM. DUBOIS Annales des Mines, Février 1995, 16-21.
Pseudo-gap in quasicrystals: a key to understand their stability and properties; E. BELIN-FERRE, V. FOURNEE, J.M. DUBOIS, Mat. Trans. JIM 42-6 (2001) 911-919.
Quasicrystals; J.M. DUBOIS, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter 13 (2001) 7753-7762.
Wetting of aluminium-based complex metallic alloys; E. BELIN-FERRÉ, J.M. DUBOIS, Special issue of Zeitchrift für Metallkunde in the Honor of Knut Urban, Int. J. Mat. Res. 97-7 (2006) 985-995.
Surface alloys as interfacial layer between quasicrystalline and periodic materials.; T. DUGUET, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNÉE, in Special cluster edition, Eds. V. Fournée, J. Ledieu and P.A. Thiel, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter 20 (2008) 314009 (8 pp.).
Contact angles of liquid metals on quasicrystals; C. Bergman, C. Girardeaux, C. Perrin-Pellegrino, P. Gas, J.M. Dubois, N. Rivier, in Special cluster edition, Eds. V. Fournée, J. Ledieu and P.A. Thiel, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter 20 (2008) 314010 (7 pp.).
Measurements of contact angles of water on Al-based intermetallic surfaces; J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNÉE, P.A. THIEL, E. BELIN-FERRÉ, in special cluster edition, Eds. V. Fournée, J. Ledieu and P.A. Thiel, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter 20 (2008) 314011 (10 pp.).
Complex metallic alloys: clarity through complexity; J.M. DUBOIS, Nature Materials, 9 (2010) 287-88.
So useful, those quasicrystals ; J.M. DUBOIS, Israel J. Chem. 51 (2011) 1168-75.
Properties, and Applications of Quasicrystals and Complex Metallic Alloys ; J.M. DUBOIS, Chemical Society Reviews 41 (2012) 6760-6777.
5. Articles dans les revues avec rapporteurs
Etude par spectrométrie Mössbauer des phases interstitielles epsilon; J. FOCT, J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER J. Phys. (Paris) C6, (1974), 493-496.
Etude par spectrométrie Mössbauer des carbures de fer Fe3C et Fe5C2; G. LE CAER, J.M. DUBOIS, J.P. SENATEUR Journal of Solid State Chem., 25, (1976), 19-28.
Etude par spectrométrie Mössbauer des distributions d'interstitiels et de leur évolution dans les solutions solides Fe-C et Fe-N; J. FOCT, J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER J. Phys. (Paris) C7, (1977), 231-234.
Electron diffraction and Mössbauer studies of the e phase retained in splat-quenched Fe-C and Fe-C-Si alloys; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER Acta Metallurgica 25, (1977), 609-618.
Etude par spectrométrie Mössbauer des distributions d'interstitiels et de leur évolution dans les solutions solides Fe-C et Fe-N; J. FOCT, J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER J. Phys. (Paris) C7, (1977), 231-234.
Application de la Spectrométrie Mössbauer pour la caractérisation et l'analyse quantitative des phases présentes dans les produits d'intérêt sidérurgique; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER, C. OFFROY Revue de Métallurgie 74-11, (1977), 621-635.
Electron diffraction and Mössbauer studies of the e phase retained in splat quenched Fe-C and Fe-C-Si alloys; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER Acta Metallurgica 25, (1977), 609-618.
Application de la Spectrométrie Mössbauer pour la caractérisation et l'analyse quantitative des phases présentes dans les produits d'intérêt sidérurgique; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER, C. OFFROY Revue de Métallurgie 74-11, (1977), 621-635.
An electronic device for piston and anvil liquisol apparatus; J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. E : Sci. Instruments 11, (1978), 76-78.
Mössbauer effect study of iron carbides II : (Mn1-xFex)5SiC; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER, J.P. SENATEUR J. Solid State Chem. 24-2, (1978), 189-197.
The determination of θ = (Vzz, H) from 1/2-3/2 Mössbauer spectra; G. LE CAER, J.M. DUBOIS, L. HAGGSTROM, T. ERICSSON Nucl. Inst. Methods 57, (1978), 127-12.
Mössbauer Spectroscopy of various interstitial compounds and solid solutions containing 57Fe ; J. FOCT, J.P. SENATEUR, J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER J. Phys. (Paris) 40, (1978), 647-649.
Evaluation of hyperfine parameter distributions from overlapped Mössbauer spectra of amorphous alloys; G. LE CAER, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys E : Sci. Instruments 12-11, (1979), 1083-90.
Etude par spectrométrie Mössbauer d'alliages Fe-Si-B amorphes; J.M. DUBOIS, M. BASTICK, G. LE CAER, C. TETE Revue de Physique Appliquée, 15, (1980), 93-101.
A low thermal inertia Mössbauer furnace; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER J. Phys. E : Sci. Instruments, 13, (1980), 1002-1004.
Mössbauer study of amorphous FeSiB, (FeNi)SiB and (FeNi)PB alloys; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER, A. AMAMOU, U. HEROLD J. Phys. (Paris), C1, (1980), 247-248.
About the asymmetries in Mössbauer spectra of magnetic amorphous transition metal-metalloid alloys; G. LE CAER, J.M. DUBOIS Physica Status Solidi (a) 64 (1981) 215-221.
Etude par spectrométrie Mössbauer de l'amalgamation d'un alliage dentaire Ag-Sn-Hg; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER, B. BERNARD, J.G. DUMAGNY, F. DUPONT Acta Metallurgica 29 (1981) 1159-69.
Characterization by Mössbauer spectroscopy of iron carbides formed by Fisher-Tropsch synthesis; G. LE CAER, J.M. DUBOIS, M. PIJOLAT, V. PERRICHON, P. BUSSIERE J. Phys. Chem. 86, (1982), 4799-4808.
Preferential substitution of iron in Co-B glasses; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER, J.P. SENATEUR Solid State Comm. 43-10, (1982), 777-780.
On experimental attenuation factors of the amplitude of the EXAFS oscillations in absorption, reflectivity and luminescence measurements; J. GOULON, C. GOULON-GINET, R. CORTES, J.M. DUBOIS J. de Phys. (Paris) 43, (1982), 539-548.
Mössbauer study of the structure of Fe 1-x Bx glasses: a model of the atomic structure; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER Nucl. Instr. Methods 199, (1982) 307-314.
Polarised neutron diffraction, EXAFS and Mössbauer spectroscopy studies of amorphous Co-B alloys; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER, P. CHIEUX, J. GOULON Nucl. Instr. Methods 199 (1982) 315-322
Determination by polarised neutron diffraction of the three partial structure factors of a-Co82B18 glass; J.M. DUBOIS, P. CHIEUX, G. LE CAER, J. SCHWEITZER, J. BLETRY J. Phys (Paris) 43 (1982) C9-23-29. Structural description of transition metal-metalloid glasses; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER J. Phys (Paris) 43 (1982) C9-67-74.
Relations thermodynamiques entre la cristallisation des alliages amorphes Fe-B et leur préparation par trempe depuis l'état liquide; C. CUNAT, C. CHARLES, J. HERTZ, J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER J. Phys . (Paris) 43 (1982) C9-191-197.
Thermodynamical interpretation of the structural and enthalpic properties of the crystallization of the Fe-B glasses; C. CUNAT, M. NOTIN, J. HERTZ, J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER J. Non-Cryst. Solids 55-1, (1983), 45-60.
On the validity of 57Fe hyperfine field distribution calculations from Mössbauer spectra of magnetic amorphous alloys; G. LE CAER, J.M. DUBOIS, H. FISHER, U. GONSER, H.G. WAGNER Nucl. Instr. Methods 233 (1984) 25-33.
Ordre local et propriétés des verres métalliques riches en fer; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER Acta Metallurgica 32, (1984), 2101-2114.
Resistivity measurements during the crystallization of Fe1-xBx glasses; K. DEHGHAN, J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER, C. TETE J. Non Cryst. Solids, 65, (1984), 87-98.
Sign determination of the 57Fe quadrupole splitting in an amorphous Fe25Zr75 alloy; G. LE CAER, J.M. CADOGAN, R.A. BRAND, J.M. DUBOIS, H. GUNTHERODT J. Phys. F : Metal Physics 14, (1984), L73-78.
Crystallization of amorphous Fe-Si-B alloys; J. WOLNY, J. SMARDZ, W. ZAJAC, J. SOLTYS, J.M. DUBOIS J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 41, (1984), 191-194.
Crystallization of amorphous alloys. Determination of activation energies from electrical resistivity measurements; J. WOLNY, J. SOLTYS, L. SMARDZ, J.M. DUBOIS, A. CALKA J. Non Cryst. Solids 65, (1984), 409-416.
Tendance à la vitrification et propriétés physiques d'alliages amorphes à base d'aluminium; J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER C. R. Ac. Sc. Paris , 301, section II.2, (1985), 73-78.
Thermodynamical interpretation of the structural and enthalpic properties of the crystallization of the Fe-B glasses; C. CUNAT, M. NOTIN, J. HERTZ, J.M. DUBOIS, G. LE CAER J. Non Cryst. Solids 55-1, (1983), 45-60.
A model of the structure of metallic glasses based on chemical twinning; J.M. DUBOIS, P.H. GASKELL, G. LE CAER Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A402, (1985), 323-357.
Positional (dis)order and compositional (non-)homogeneity in metallic glasses; J.M. DUBOIS, J. Phys. (Paris) 46 (1985) C8-335-341.
SANS and structure factor neutron measurements in an amorphous Al70Si17Fe13 alloy; J.M. DUBOIS, K. DEHGHAN, Chr. JANOT, P. CHIEUX, B. CHENAL, J. Phys. (Paris) 46 (1985) C8-461-466.
Preliminary neutron diffraction study of icosahedral quasicrystals using isomorphous substitution; J.M. DUBOIS, Chr. JANOT, J. PANNETIER Phys. Lett. A155-4, (1986), 177-182
Diffraction approach to the structure of decagonal quasicrystals; J.M. DUBOIS, Chr. JANOT, J. PANNETIER, A. PIANELLI Phys. Lett., A 117-8 (1986) 421-427.
Isomorphism in quasi-periodic structures; Chr. JANOT, J. PANNETIER, JM. DUBOIS, R. FRUCHART Phys. Lett. A 119-6 (1986) 309-312.
Neutron and X-ray diffraction studies of amorphous Al70Si17Fe13; J.M. DUBOIS, K. DEHGHAN, P. CHIEUX, M. LARIDJANI J. Non Cryst. Solids, 93 (1987) 179-189.
Etude de la cristallisation d'un alliage amorphe à base d'aluminium; B. CHENAL, J.M. DUBOIS, A. BILDE, G. VENTURINI C.R. Ac. Sc., 304, section II.10 (1987) 501-506.
Cristallisation et structure d'un alliage amorphe à base d'aluminium; J.M. DUBOIS, B. MALAMAN, B. CHENAL, G. VENTURINI C.R. Ac. Sc. 304 section II-12, (1987), 641-646.
Mécanisme de maclage dans les quasi-cristaux; R. FRUCHART, J.M. DUBOIS C.R. Ac. Sc., 305, série II (1987) 661-666.
Décoration atomique des phases icosaédriques Al-Li-Cu et Al-Mn-Si; R. FRUCHART, J.M. DUBOIS C.R. Ac. Sc., 305, série II (1987) 1413-18.
EXAFS study of the annealing effect on glassy Pd76B24: comparison with X-ray diffraction results and modelling; G. COCCO, S. ENZO, A. BALERNA, S. MOBILIO, J.M. DUBOIS Phys. Rev., B 36-9 (1987) 4734-41.
Thermal transformation of icosahedral quasi periodic crystals of the Al- Mn system; J. PANNETIER, J.M. DUBOIS, Chr. JANOT, A. BILDE Phil. Mag., B 55-4 (1987) 435-457.
Partial pair distribution functions in icosahedral Al-Mn studied by contrast variation in neutron diffraction; J.M. DUBOIS, Chr. JANOT Journal de Physique, 48 (1987) 1981-1989.
Sign determination of the 57Fe electric field gradient in Al-based crystals and icosahedral quasicrystals; G. LE CAER, R.A. BRAND, J.M. DUBOIS Phil. Mag. Lett., 56-4 (1987) 143-151.
Formation of an icosahedral phase by crystallization of amorphous Al-Cu-V alloys; S. GARCON, P. SAINFORT, G. REGGAZONI, J.M. DUBOIS Scripta Metallurgica, 21 (1987) 1493-98.
Periodicity or quasiperiodicity in icosahedral Al-Mn phases ?; Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS, J. PANNETIER Physica B, 146 (1987) 351-372.
Contrast variation effects on neutron diffraction patterns with quasiperiodic structures; Chr. JANOT, J. PANNETIER, M. de BOISSIEU, J.M. DUBOIS Europhysics Letters, 3-9 (1987) 995-1000.
Quasiperiodic Structure: Experiments and Models; Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS J. Non Cryst. Solids 106 (1988) 193-206.
Préparation, propriétés et exploitation des verres métalliques; J.M. DUBOIS Traitement Thermique 222 (1988) 21-31.
Topological instabilities in metallic lattices and glass formation; J.M. DUBOIS J. Less Common Metals 145 (1988), 309-326.
Chemical isomorphism and partial pair distribution functions in decagonal Al-Mn; J.M. DUBOIS, Chr. JANOT Europhysics Letters, 5 (3) (1988) 235-240.
Stoichiometry in Al-Mn based icosahedral phases; Chr. JANOT, J. PANNETIER, J.M. DUBOIS, J.P. HOUIN, P. WEINLAND Phil. Mag. B, 58-1 (1988) 59-67.
On the variation of structure of Fe-B-C and Fe-B-Al glasses with their metalloid content; S.J. GUEDES DE LIMA, J.M. DUBOIS Inter. Journal of Rapid Solidification, 4 (1988), 37-51.
Diffraction studies of Quasicrystals : the truncation effects in six dimensions; M. de BOISSIEU, Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS Europhysics Lett., 7 (7) (1988), 593-598.
Report on the ILL/CODEST Workshop on Quasicrystalline Materials; Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS Inter. J. Rapid Solidification, 4 (1988), 75-88.
Sign determination of the 57Fe electric field gradient in Al-based crystals and icosahedral quasicrystals; G. LE CAER, R.A. BRAND, J.M. DUBOIS Hyperfine Interactions 42 (1988) 943-946.
Determination of the topological and chemical short range order in liquid Al80 (Mnx(FeCr)1-x)20 alloys; M. MARET, A. PASTUREL, C. SENILLOU, J.M. DUBOIS, P. CHIEUX J. Non Cryst. Solids 106 (1988) 96-99.
A direct method to determine quasicrystal structure with neutron diffraction; M. de BOISSIEU, J. PANNETIER, Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS J. Non Cryst. Solids, 106, (1988), 211-216.
Pair distance distributions in icosahedral phases; J.M. DUBOIS, M. de BOISSIEU, Chr. JANOT, B. DUBOST, R. FRUCHART, M. AUDIER J. Non Cryst. Solids, 106, (1988), 217-220.
Quasiperiodic structures: another topological longrange order for condensed matter; Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS, M. de BOISSIEU American Journal of Physics, 57(11) (1989) 972-987.
Neutron diffraction approach to the atomic decoration of the Al-Mn icosahedral phase; Chr. JANOT, J. PANNETIER, J.M. DUBOIS, M. de BOISSIEU Phys. Rev. Lett., 62-4 (1989), 450.
Structural relationship between non-crystalline phases in the Al-Mn and Al-Fe-Cr systems through EXAFS measurements; A. SADOC, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. F : Metal Physics, 1 (1989) 4283-4296.
Icosahedral crystals : neutron diffraction tells you where the atoms are; Chr. JANOT, M. de BOISSIEU, J.M. DUBOIS, J. PANNETIER J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 1 (1989), 1029-1048.
Partial structure factors of liquid Al80 (Mnx (FeCr)1-x)20 alloys; M. MARET, A. PASTUREL, C. SENILLOU, J.M. DUBOIS, P. CHIEUX J. Phys. (Paris), 50 (1989), 295-310.
Real time study of the growth of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals; C. DONG, M. de BOISSIEU, J.M. DUBOIS, J. PANNETIER, Chr. JANOT J. Mat. Science Lett., 8 (1989) 827-830.
Partial pair distribution functions in icosahedral Al-Li-Cu quasi-crystals; M. de BOISSIEU, Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS, M. AUDIER, B. DUBOST J. de Phys. (Paris), 50 (1989) 1689-1709.
Transformation of amorphous Al-Cu-V alloys into a new icosahedral phase; M. de BOISSIEU, A. PIANELLI, J.M. DUBOIS, J. PANNETIER, Chr. JANOT Scripta Metallurgica 23 (1989) 1069-1074.
Neutron scattering studies of quasicrystals; Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS, M. de BOISSIEU, J. PANNETIER Physica B, 156 & 157 (1989) 25-30.
Structure and hidden symmetry in metallic glasses and quasicrystals; J.M. DUBOIS, Chr. JANOT Phil. Mag. B, 61-4 (1990) 649-676.
The magnetic transition in Fe-substituted hexagonal β-Al74Si6Mn20 phase; R.A. BRAND, G. LE CAER, J.M. DUBOIS, F. HIPPERT, Ch. SAUER, J. PANNETIER J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 2 (1990) 3855-65.
Quasicrystal structure : cold water on the Penrose tiling scheme; M. de BOISSIEU, Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys : Cond. Matter, 2-11 (1990) 2499-2517.
Crystalline and quasicrystalline phases of the Al-Mn-Si system: a comparison of the 57Fe EFG properties; R.A. BRAND, G. LE CAER, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys : Cond. Matter, 2 (1990) 6413-6431.
Neutron diffraction study of the peritectic growth of Al65Cu20Fe15 icosahedral quasicrystal; C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS, M. de BOISSIEU, Chr. JANOT J. Phys. C : Cond. Matter, 2 (1990) 6339-6360.
Decagonal phases : a non-quasicrystalline microcrystalline state in an Al-Cu-Co-Si alloy; P. LAUNOIS, M. AUDIER, F. DENOYER, C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS, M. LAMBERT Europhysics Letters, 13(7) (1990) 629-634.
Quasicrystal structures with Neutron Diffraction: how far from 3-dim Penrose lattices; Chr. JANOT, M. de BOISSIEU, J.M. DUBOIS Physica Scripta, T35 (1991) 95-102.
The reversible crystal - quasicrystal transitions in icosahedral Al-Cu-Fe alloys; J.M. DUBOIS, Chr. JANOT, C. DONG, M. de BOISSIEU, M. AUDIER Phase Transitions, 32 (1991) 3-28.
Quasicrystalline low friction coatings; J.M. DUBOIS, S.S. KANG, J. von STEBUT J. Mat. Sc. Lett., 10 (1991) 537-541
Quasicrystals and crystalline phases in Al65Cu20Fe10Cr5 alloys; C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS J. Materials Science, 26 (1991) 1647-1654.
Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals: low temperature unstability through a modulation mechanism; Chr. JANOT, M. AUDIER, M. de BOISSIEU, J.M. DUBOIS Europhysics Lett., 14(4) (1991) 355-360.
Atomic structure of the icosahedral Al-Li-Cu quasicrystal; M. de BOISSIEU, Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS, J. PANNETIER, M. AUDIER, B. DUBOST J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 3 (1991) 1-25.
Composition dependence of topological and chemical orders in liquid Al1-x(Mny(FeCr)1-y)x alloys by neutron diffraction; M. MARET, P. CHIEUX, J.M. DUBOIS, A. PASTUREL J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 3 (1991) 2801-2817.
Phase transformations and structure characteristics of the Al65Cu17.5Co17.5 decagonal phase; C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS, M. de BOISSIEU, C. JANOT J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 3 (1991) 1665-1673.
Perfect and modulated quasicrystals in the system Al-Fe-Cu; M. AUDIER, Y. BRECHET, M. de BOISSIEU, P. GUYOT, Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS Phil. Mag. B, 63-6 (1991) 1375-1393.
The reversible transition from decagonal to orthorhombic approximant phase; C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS Phase Transitions, 32 (1991) 119-124.
Al-Cr-Cu and Al-Co-Cu-Si phases of pseudo-decagonal symmetry and polycrystalline state; M. AUDIER, P. LAUNOIS, F. DENOYER, M. LAMBERT, C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS J. Microsc. Microanal. Microstruct., 1 (1990) 417-422.
The structure of the icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal; M. BOUDARD, M. de BOISSIEU, Chr. JANOT, J.M. DUBOIS, C. DONG Phil. Mag. Letters, 64-4 (1991) 197-206.
Growth of stable Al-Pd-Mn icosahedral phase; C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS, M. de BOISSIEU, M. BOUDARD, Chr. JANOT J. Materials Research, 6-12 (1991) 2637-2645.
The orthorhombic approximant phases of the decagonal phase; C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS, S.S. KANG, M. AUDIER Phil. Mag. B, 65-1 (1992) 107-126.
Electronic distributions of Al-Mn and Al-Mn-Si alloys; E. BELIN, J. KOJNOK, A. SADOC, A. TRAVERSE, M. HARMELIN, C. BERGER, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 4 (1992) 1057-1068. Pressure induced phase transitions in quasicrystals and related compounds; S.S. KANG, J.M. DUBOIS Europhys. Lett., 18(1) (1992) 45-51.
Compression testing of quasicrystalline materials; S.S. KANG, J.M. DUBOIS Phil. Mag. A, 66-1 (1992) 151-163.
Electronic distribution of states in crystalline and quasicrystalline AlCuFe and AlCuFeCr alloys; E. BELIN, Z. DANKHAZI, A. SADOC, Y. CALVAYRAC, T. KLEIN, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. Cond. Matter, 4 (1992) 4459-4472. Signature of the local order in perfect icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal; A. SADOC, J.M. DUBOIS Phil. Mag., B66-4 (1992) 541-548
Lattice transformations in the approximant and decagonal phases; S.S. KANG, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 4 (1992) 7025-7040.
Polytypism in quasicrystals and approximants; S.S. KANG, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. : Cond. Matter 4 (1992) 10169-198.
Neutron and X-ray single crystal study of the Al-Pd-Mn icosahedral phase; M. BOUDARD, M. de BOISSIEU, C. JANOT, G. HEGER, C. BEELI, H.U. NISSEN, H. VINCENT, R. IBBERSON, M. AUDIER, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 4 (1992) 10149-168.
Structure of the quasicrystal approximant phase Al61.3Cu7.4Fe11.1Cr17.2Si3 S.S. KANG, B. MALAMAN, G. VENTURINI, JM. DUBOIS Acta Cryst. B 48 (1992) 770-776.
A single crystal X-ray diffraction study of AlPdMn icosahedral quasicrystal; Chr. JANOT, M. de BOISSIEU, M. BOUDARD, H. VINCENT, M. DURAND, J.M. DUBOIS, C. DONG J. Non Cryst. Solids, 150 (1992) 322-326. Thermal conductivity of quasicrystalline alloys; J.M. DUBOIS, S.S. KANG, P. ARCHAMBAULT, B. COLLERET J. Mat. Research 8-1 (1993) 38-43.
Atomic structure of the Al-Pd-Mn icosahedral phase; M. BOUDARD, M. de BOISSIEU, C. JANOT, G. HEGER, C. BEELI, H.U. NISSEN, H. VINCENT, M. AUDIER, J.M. DUBOIS J. Non Cryst. Solids, 153-154 (1993) 5-9. On the local structure in icosahedral AlPdMn quasicrystals; A. SADOC, J.M. DUBOIS J. Non Cryst. Solids, 153-154 (1993) 83-85.
Application of quasicrystalline alloys to surface coating of soft metals; J.M. DUBOIS, S.S. KANG, Y. MASSIANI J. Non Cryst. Solids, 153-154 (1993) 443-445. 2D geometrical model of the decagonal phase: tiling units and formation; C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS J. Non Cryst. Solids, 159 (1993) 107-120.
Darwinian adaptative simulated annealing; F. MONTOYA, J.M. DUBOIS Europhys. Letters, 22(2) (1993) 79-84. Electrochemical behaviour of quasicrystalline alloys in corrosive solutions; Y. MASSIANI, S. AIT YAAZZA, J.P. CROUSIER, J.M. DUBOIS J. Non Cryst. Sol., 159 (1993) 92-100. Neutron scatering study of quasicrystal forming liquid Al Pd M (M=Mn,Fe,Cr) alloy; M. MARET, J.M. DUBOIS, P. CHIEUX J. Non Cryst. Solids, 156-158 (1993) 918-922. Tribological properties of quasicrystalline coatings; S.S. KANG, J.M. DUBOIS, J. von STEBUT J. Mat. Research, 8-10 (1993) 2471-81.
Validation and realisation of advanced aluminium alloy coatings by thermal spraying process; S. S. KANG, J.M. DUBOIS J. Industrial Technology, 3(2) (1993) 21-33. The applied physics of quasicrystals; J.M. DUBOIS Scripta Physica, T49 (1993) 17-23. Heat diffusivity in quasicrystals and related alloys; A. PERROT, J.M. DUBOIS Annales de Chimie, numéro spécial Quasicristaux, 18 (1993) 501-512.
Structure et propriétés des quasicristaux et leurs applications technologiques potentielles; J.M. DUBOIS Annales de Chimie, numéro spécial Quasicristaux, 18 (1993) 423-444. Phase transformations and structural characteristics of Al-Cu-Co(Si) decagonal phase; C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS, S.S. KANG, M. de BOISSIEU, M. AUDIER, Chr. JANOT Phase Transitions, 44 (1993) 111-120. Classification scheme for decagonal approximant crystals; S.S. KANG, J.M. DUBOIS Phase Transitions, 44 (1993) 3-16.
Two-colour Penrose tiling: application to the decagonal phase; X.Z. LI, J.M. DUBOIS, K.H. KUO Phil. Mag. Lett. , 69-2 (1994) 93-98.
Plasma sprayed quasicrystalline coatings with reduced adhesion for cookware; J.M. DUBOIS, A. PRONER, B. BUCAILLE, P. CATHONNET, C. DONG, V. RICHARD, A. PIANELLI, Y. MASSIANI, S. AIT-YAAZZA, E. BELIN-FERRE Annales de Chimie, 19 (1994) 3-25.
Structural subunits of Al-Pd-Mn decagonal quasicrystal derived from the structure of the T3-AlMnZn phase; X.Z. LI, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 6 (1994) 1653-62.
Icosahedral order in glass-forming metallic melts; J.M. DUBOIS, F. MONTOYA, C. BACK Mat. Sci. Eng., A178 (1994) 285-291.
Towards applications of quasicrystals; J.M. DUBOIS, S. S. KANG, A. PERROT Mat. Sci. Eng., A179-180 (1994) 122-126.
Alp Conduction states in quasicrystalline Al-Cu-Fe alloy and related compounds; E. BELIN, Z. DANKHAZI, A. SADOC, J.M. DUBOIS, Y. CALVAYRAC Europhys. Letters 26(9) (1994) 677-682.
Electronic distributions in quasicrystalline Al Pd Mn alloys; E. BELIN, Z. DANKHAZI, A. SADOC, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 6 (1994) 8771-8779.
Structure factors of binary Al-Ni and ternary Al-Ni-Si liquid alloys; S. SAAD-EDDINE, J.F. WAX, B. GROSDIDIER, J.G. GASSER, C. REGNAULT, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. Chem. Liquids, 28 (1994) 221-230.
Structural study of crystalline approximants of the Al-Cu-Fe-Cr decagonal quasicrystal; X. Z. LI, C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS J. Applied Crystallography, 28 (1995) 96-104.
Influence of the annealing atmosphere on the formation of Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals; S.S. KANG, J.M. DUBOIS J. Materials Research, 10-5 (1995) 1071-74.
Comportement à la corrosion électrochimique de revêtements quasicristallins préparés à la torche plasma; S. AIT-YAAZZA, Y. MASSIANI, J.P. CROUSIER, J.M. DUBOIS Matériaux et Techniques, 3-4 (1996) 39-45.
Alp-like states in highly resistive quasicrystalline alloys; E. BELIN-FERRE, J.M. DUBOIS J. Phys. Cond. Matter, 8 (1996) L717-723.
Volume diffusion of 59Fe in Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5 icosahedral quasicrystals; JL. JOULAUD, C. BERGMAN, J. BERNARDINI, P. GAS, JM. DUBOIS, Y. CALVAYRAC, D. GRATIAS J. Physique IV Paris, C2-6 (1996) 259-262.
Volume and grain boundary self-diffusion of Fe in Al-Cu-Fe icosahedral quasicrystals; J.L. JOULAUD, J. BERNARDINI, P. GAS, C. BERGMAN, J.M. DUBOIS, Y. CALVAYRAC, D. GRATIAS, Phil. Mag., 75-5 (1997) 1287-97.
Electronic structure of hexagonal Al5Co2; E. BELIN-FERRE, G. TRAMBLY de LAISSARDIERE, P. PECHEUR, A. SADOC, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 9 (1997 9585-9596.
Hierarchical nature of the Brillouin zones in icosahedral AlBCuFe; B. VIGNERON, A. PERROT, F. MACHIZAUD, J.M. DUBOIS, G. JEANDEL, B. WYNCKE, Phil. Mag. B 77-3 (1998) 849-857.
Study of Al-Cu Hume-Rothery alloys and their relationship to the electronic properties of quasicrystals; V. FOURNEE, E. BELIN-FERRE, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter., 10(19) (1998) 4231-44.
Self-diffusion in icosahedral Al72.4Pd20.5Mn7.1 and phason percolation at low temperatures studied by 27Al NMR; J. DOLINSEK, T. APIH, M. SIMSIC, J.M. DUBOIS, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 (1999) 572- 75.
First direct evidence of size-dependent structural transition in nanosized nickel particles; S. ILLY, O. TILLEMENT, F. MACHIZAUD, J.M. DUBOIS, F. MASSICOT, Y. FORT, J. GHANBAJA, Phil. Mag. A 79-5 (1999) 1021-31.
Emissivité du quasicristal Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5; P. PIGEAT, M. GIL-GAVATZ, D. CLAUDEL, D. ROUXEL, B. WEBER, J.M. DUBOIS, Science et Génie des Matériaux, 5 (1999) 615-19.
Spectroscopies X appliquées à l’analyse de la structure électronique d’alliages intermétalliques quasicristallins; V. FOURNEE, E. BELIN-FERRE, A. SADOC, J.M. DUBOIS, Science et Génie des Matériaux, Septembre 1999, 1079-1086.
Quasicrystals. Reaching Maturity for Technological Applications; P.A. THIEL, J.M. DUBOIS, Materials Today, 2-3 (1999) 3-7.
Structure and tribological property of B2-based approximants; C. DONG, L.-M. ZHANG, Q.-G. ZHOU, H.-C. ZHANG, J.M. DUBOIS, Q.-H. ZHANG, Y.C. FU, F.-Z. HE, F. GE, Bull. Mat. Sci. 22-2 (1999) 102-108.
Atomic motions in a crystalline Al50Cu35Ni15 alloy; U. DAHLBORG, W.S. HOWELLS, M. CALVO-DAHLBORG, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter 12 (2000) 4021-41.
Electron microscopy study of scratch-induced surface microstructures in Al-Cu-Fe icosahedral quasicrystal; J.S. WU, V. BRIEN, P. BRUNET, C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag. A 80-7 (2000) 1645-55.
NMR studies of an icosahedral Al72.4Pd20.5Mn7.1 quasicrystal; J.L.GAVILANO, S. MUSHKOLAJ, H.R. OTT, T. APIH, J. DOLINSEK, J.M. DUBOIS, K. URBAN, Physica B 284-288 (2000) 1167-68.
Electrons in a strange sea. Comment on the article by E. Rosenberg et al.; P.A. THIEL, J.M. DUBOIS, Nature 406 (2000) 570-572.
Surface oxidation of the Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5 icosahedral quasicrystal; M. GIL-GAVATZ, D. ROUXEL, P. PIGEAT, B. WEBER, J.M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag. A 80-9 (2000) 2083-97.
Al 3p occupied states in Al-Cu-Fe intermetallics and enhanced stability of the icosahedral quasicrystal; E. BELIN-FERRÉ, V. FOURNÉE, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, 12-37 (2000) 8159-177.
Searching for sharp features in the pseudogap of icosahedral quasicrystals by NMR; J. DOLINSEK, M. KLANJSEK, T. APIH, A. SMONTARA, J.C. LASJAUNIAS, J.M. DUBOIS, S.J. POON, Phys. Rev. B 62-13 (2000) 8862-8870.
Influence of valence electron concentration over the friction behaviors of quasicrystal and B2-type approximants in Al-Cu-Fe ternary system; L.M. ZHANG, P. BRUNET, H.C. ZHANG, C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS, Tribology Letters 8 (2000) 233-236.
Activated hydride reduction of palladium - copper ions in organic media. Formation of nanocrystalline Pd/Cu alloy powders; S. ILLY-CHERREY, O. TILLEMENT, F. MASSICOT, Y. FORT, J. GHANBAJA, J.M. DUBOIS, Mat. Sc. Eng. A 283 (2000) 11-16.
New prospects from technological applications of quasicrystalline materials; J.M. DUBOIS, Mat. Sc. Eng. A 294-296 (2000) 4-9.
Comparative study of microstructural and tribological properties of sintered, bulk icosahedral samples; P. BRUNET, L. ZHANG, D.J. SORDELET, M. BESSER, J.M. DUBOIS, Mat. Sc. Eng. A 294-296 (2000) 74-78.
New approximant phases in AlCrFe; V. DEMANGE, J.S. WU, V. BRIEN, F. MACHIZAUD, J.M. DUBOIS, Mat. Sc. Eng. 294-296 (2000) 79-81.
Diffusive motions in a crystalline Al50Cu35Ni15 alloy; U. DAHLBORG, W.S. HOWELLS, M. CALVO-DAHLBORG, J.M. DUBOIS, Mat. Sc. Eng. A 294-296 (2000) 670-674.
Influence of valence electron concentration over friction coefficient of B2-based approximants; L.M. ZHANG, C. DONG, P. BRUNET, J.M. DUBOIS, Mat. Sc. Eng. A 294-296 (2000) 810-812.
About the Al3p density of states in Al-Cu-Fe compounds and its correlation to the apparent surface energy of quasicrystals; E. BELIN-FERRE, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNEE, P. BRUNET, D.J. SORDELET, L. ZHANG, Mat. Sc. Eng. A 294-296 (2000) 818-821.
Scratch-induced surface microstructures on deformed surface of Al-Cu-Fe icosahedral quasicrystal; J.S. WU, V. BRIEN, P. BRUNET, C. DONG, J.M. DUBOIS, Mat. Sc. Eng. A 294-296 (2000) 846-849.
Surface oxidation of AlCrFe alloys characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; V. DEMANGE, J.W. ANDEREGG, J. GHANBAJA, F. MACHIZAUD, D.J. SORDELET, M. BESSER, P.A. THIEL, J.M. DUBOIS, Appl. Surf. Sc. 173 (2001) 327-338.
Surface properties of the B2-based approximants in relation to quasicrystals; C. DONG, L. ZHANG, E. BELIN-FERRE, P. BRUNET, J.M. DUBOIS, Mat. Sc. Eng. A 304-306 (2001) 172-177.
Diffusive motions in crystalline AlCuNi by neutron quasielastic scattering; W.S. HOWELLS, U. DAHLBORG, M. CALVO-DAHLBORG, J.M. DUBOIS, Physica B 301 (2001) 78-82.
Mn magnetism in icosahedral quasicrystalline Al72.4Pd20.5Mn7.1; J. DOLINSEK, M. KLANJSEK, T. APIH, J.L. GALIVANO, K. GIANNO, H.R. OTT, J.M. DUBOIS, K. URBAN, Phys. Rev. B 64(2) (2001) 024203-1-8.
Reply to the Comment by Coddens et al.; U. DAHLBORG, W.S. HOWELLS, M. CALVO-DAHLBORG, J. DOLINSEK, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter 13 (2001) 8873-74.
Electron spin resonance in icosahedral Al63Cu25Fe12 quasicrystal; J. DOLINSEK, D. ARCON, A. ZORKO, M. KLANJSEK, C. SAYLOR, L.C. BRUNEL, P. BRUNET, J.M. DUBOIS, Phys. Rev. B, 65 (2002) 064205 1-6.
Synthesis and properties of nearly single-shell nickel clusters in aluminium oxides; O. TILLEMENT, S. ILLY-CHERREY, J.M. DUBOIS, S. BEGIN-COLIN, F. MASSICOT, R. SCHNEIDER, Y. FORT, J. GHANBAJA, C. BELLOUARD, E. BELIN-FERRE, Phil. Mag. A 82-5 (2002) 913-923.
Optical conductivity of Al-Cr-Fe approximant compounds; V. DEMANGE, A. MILANDRI, M.C. de WEERD, F. MACHIZAUD, G. JEANDEL, J.M. DUBOIS, Phys. Rev. B, 65 (2002) 144205 1-11.
Atomic jumps in quasicrystals – specific to quasiperiodicity or to specific types of atomic structure?; J. DOLINSEK, T. APIH, P. JEGLIC, M. FEUERBACHER, M. CALVO-DAHLBORG, U. DAHLBORG, J.M. DUBOIS, Phys. Rev. B 65-21 (2002) 212203 1-4.
New approximants in the Al-Cr-Fe system and their oxidation resistance; V. DEMANGE, F. MACHIZAUD, J.M. DUBOIS, J.W. ANDEREGG, P.A. THIEL, D.J. SORDELET, J. Alloys & Comp. 342 (2002) 24-29.
Structural realization of the polytope approach for the geometrical description of the transition of a quasicrystal into a crystalline phase; V.S. KRAPOSHIN, A.L. TALIS, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 14 (2002) 8987-8996.
Synthesis and characterization of nano-sized nickel (II), copper (I) and zinc (II) oxide nanoparticles; S. ILLY-CHERREY, O. TILLEMENT, J.M. DUBOIS, F. MASSICOT, Y. FORT, J. GANBAJA, S. BEGIN-COLIN, Mat. Sc. Eng. A338 (2002) 70-74.
Phases in the crystallization process of Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu17.5 metallic glass; Y. LEI, C. DONG, Z. HEI, Y. WANG, D. WANG, M. DAHLBORG, J.M. DUBOIS, Rare Metals, 22 (1) (2003) 33-41.
Spectroscopic ellipsometric characterization of approximant thin films of Al-Cr-Fe; L. JOHANN, A. EN NACIRI, L. BROCH, V. DEMANGE, J. GHANBAJA, F. MACHIZAUD, J.M. DUBOIS, Appl. Surf. Science 207 (2003) 300-305.
Formation of amorphous phase in Zr-IQC-DQC pseudo-ternary alloys system; Y. LEI, Z. HEI, M. CALVO-DAHLBORG, J.M. DUBOIS, C. DONG, Acta Metall. Sinica 39(6) (2003) 573-578.
Amorphous alloy composition with high glass-formation ability in the pseudoternary Zr-(IQC-Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5)-(DQC-Al70Co15Ni15) alloy system; YI LEI, M. DAHLBORG, J. M. DUBOIS, Z. HEI, P. WEISBECKER, C. DONG, J. Mater. Res. 18-7 (2003) 1588-1593.
Structural perfection and the electrical and magnetic response of icosahedral AlPdMn quasicrystals; M. KLANJSEK, P. JEGLIC, P. McGUINESS, M. FEUERBACHER, E.S. ZIJLSTRA, J.M. DUBOIS, J. DOLINSEK, Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003) 134210-1-9.
Reply to "Comment on 'Atomic jumps in quasiperiodic Al72.6Ni10.5Co16.9 and related crystalline material' ", J. DOLINSEK, J.M. DUBOIS, Phys. Rev. B 68 (2003) 216201-1-4
Structure and morphology of [icosahedral Al62Cu25.5Fe12.5](100-x)[decagonal Al70Co15Ni15](x) alloys, for x=10*(0-3 and 5-10), Y. LEI, M. CALVO DAHLBORG, J. M. DUBOIS, Z. HEI, P. WEISBECKER, C. DONG; J. Non Cryst. Sol. 330 (1-3) (2003) 39-4.
Formation of amorphous phase in Zr-IQC-DQC pseudo-ternary alloys system; Y. LEI, Z. HEI, M. CALVO-DAHLBORG, J.M. DUBOIS, C. DONG, Acta Metall. Sinica 39(6) (2003) 573-578.
Phases in the crystallization process of Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu17.5 metallic glass; Y. LEI, C. DONG, Z. HEI, Y. WANG, D. WANG, M. DAHLBORG, J.M. DUBOIS, Rare Metals, 22(1) (2003) 33-41.
Friction and fretting on quasicrystals under vacuum; J.M. DUBOIS, P. BRUNET, W. COSTIN, A. MERSTALLINGER, J. Non Cryst. Sol., 334&335 (2004) 475-480.
A model of wetting on quasicrystals in ambient air; J.M. DUBOIS, J. Non Cryst. Sol., 334&335 (2004) 481-485
Oxidation kinetics of an AlCuFeCr approximant compound: an ellipsometric study; G. BONHOMME, M. LEMIEUX, P. WEISBECKER, V.V. TSUKRUK, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Non Cryst. Sol. 334&335 (2004) 532-539.
Influence of boron content on the microstructure of sintered Al62.5-xCu25.3Fe12.2Bx alloys (x=0, 3, 5); V. BRIEN, V. KHARE, F.HERBST, P. WEISBECKER, J.B. LEDEUIL, M.C. de WEERD, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Mat. Research, 19-10 (2004) 2974-2980.
Etude par diffraction X de l'oxydation à 500°C de poudres quasicristallines AlCuFe; G. BONHOMME, P. WEISBECKER, G. BOTT, J.M. DUBOIS, Journal de Physique, 118 (2004) 283-294.
Study of decagonal approximants and γ-brass-type compounds in Al-Cr-Fe thin films; V. DEMANGE, J. GHANBAJA, C. BEELI, F. MACHIZAUD, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Mat. Research, 19(8) (2004) 2285-2297.
Electrochemical behavior of approximant phases in the Al-(Cu)-Cr-Fe system; D. VEYS, C. RAPIN, X. LI, L. ARANDA, V. FOURNÉE, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Non Cryst. Sol., 347/1-3 (2004) 1-10.
A way to estimate the true surface energy of complex metallic alloys; J.M. DUBOIS, M.C. de WEERD, J. BRENNER, Ferroelectrics 305 (2004) 159-162.
Effect of Be additions on the electronic density of states of icosahedral Al-Cu-Fe compounds; E. BELIN-FERRÉ, DO-HYANG KIM, Z. DANKHAZI, J.M. DUBOIS, Ferroelectrics 305 (2004) 229-233.
Study of decagonal approximants and γ-brass-type compounds in Al-Cr-Fe thin films; V. DEMANGE, J. GHANBAJA, C. BEELI, F. MACHIZAUD, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Mat. Res. 19(8) (2004) 2285-2297.
Etude par diffraction X de l'oxydation à 500°C de poudres quasicristallines AlCuFe; G. BONHOMME, P. WEISBECKER, G. BOTT, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Phys. IV France 118 (2004) 283-294.
Influence of boron content on the microstructure of sintered Al62.5-xCu25.3Fe12.2Bx alloys (x=0, 3, 5); V. BRIEN, V. KHARE, F. HERBST, P. WEISBECKER, J.B. LEDEUIL, M.C. de WEERD, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Mat. Res. 19-10 (2004) 2974-2980.
About γ-brass phases in the Al-Cr-Fe system and their relationships to quasicrystals and approximants; V. DEMANGE, J. GHANBAJA, F. MACHIZAUD, J.M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag., 85-12 (2005) 1261-72.
The oxidation at 500°C of AlCuFe quasicrystalline powders : a X-ray diffraction study; P. WEISBECKER, G. BONHOMME, G. BOTT, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Non Cryst. Sol. 351 (2005) 1630-38.
Synthesis, charaterization and optical behaviour of vapour grown nano-crystalline Al-Cr-Fe-Mo thin films; V. BRIEN, S. KENZARI, P. WEISBECKER, S. WEBER, F. MACHIZAUD, J. M. DUBOIS, J. Alloys Compounds 391 (2005) 206-211.
Experimental study of the electronic density of states in aluminium-based intermetallics; E. Belin-FerrÉ, M. KlanjŠek, Z. JaglĬc, J. DolinŠek, J. M. Dubois. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 (2005) 6911–6924.
Magnetic, electrical and thermal transport properties of Al-Cr-Fe approximant phases; Z. BIHAR, A. BILUSIK, J. LUKATELA, A. SMONTARA, P. JEGLIC, P. McGUINESS, J. DOLINSEK, Z. JAGLICIC, J. JANOVEC, V. DEMANGE, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Alloys & Compounds 407 (2006) 65-73.
Electronic structure of leached Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals used as catalysts; E. BELIN-FERRÉ, A.M. FONTAINE, J. THIRION, S. KAMEOKA, A.P. TSAI, J.M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag. 86-3-5 (2006) 686-692.
Influence of oxidation of i-AlCuFeB particles on the formation of Al-based composites prepared by solid state sintering; S. KENZARI, P. WEISBECKER, G. GEANDIER, V. FOURNÉE, J.M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag. 86-6-8 (2006) 287-292.
Electron microscopy study of approximant phases in Al-Cr-Fe system; V. DEMANGE, J. GHANBAJA, J.M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag. 86-6-8 (2006) 469-474.
Surface energy of complex – and simple – metallic compounds; J.M. DUBOIS, M.C. de WEERD, M. SALES, G. MOZDZEN, A. MERSTALLINGER, E. BELIN-FERRÉ, Phil. Mag. 86-6-8 (2006) 797-805.
Wetting of decagonal Al13Co4 and cubic AlCo thin films by liquid Pb; C. BERGMAN, C. GIRARDEAUX, C. PERRIN-PELLEGRINO, P. GAS, D. CHATTAIN, J.M. DUBOIS, N. RIVIER, Phil. Mag. 86-6-8 (2006) 849-854.
Cold welding and fretting tests on quasicrystals and related compounds; M. SALES, A. MERSTALLINGER, P. BRUNET, M.C. de WEERD, V. KHARE, G. TRAXLER, J.M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag. 86-6-8 (2006) 965-970.
About the role of hybridization in wetting and friction on Al-based complex metallic compounds; E. BELIN-FERRÉ, J.M. DUBOIS, Mat. Sc. Eng. A 449-51 (2006) 971-74.
Chemical surface aging in ambient conditions of an Al-Fe-Cr approximant phase; D. VEYS, P. WEISBECKER, B. DOMENICHINI, S. WEBER, V. FOURNÉE, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Phys.: Cond. Matter, 19 (2007) 376207 1-15.
Formation of quasicrystals and metallic glasses in relation to icosahedral clusters; C. DONG, W.R. CHEN, Y.G. WANG, J.B. QIANG, Q. WANG, Y. LEI, M. CALVO-DAHLBORG, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Non Cryst. Solids, 32-40 (2007) 3405-11.
Model for the transformation of an icosahedral phase into a B2-crystalline phase; V.S. KRAPOSHIN, A.L. TALIS, HA THANH LAM, J.-M. DUBOIS, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter 20 (2008) 235215 (pp).
Macroscale and Nanoscale Friction Anisotropy on Decagonal Quasicrystal Surfaces; J.Y. PARK, D.F. OGLETREE, M. SALMERON, C.J. JENKS, P.A. THIEL, J. BRENNER, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Mater. Res. 23-5 (2008) 1488-93.
Formation and properties of Al composites reinforced by quasicrystalline AlCuFeB particles; S. KENZARI, P. WEISBECKER, M. CURULLA, G. GEANDIER, V. FOURNEE, J. M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag., 5-11 (2008) 755-66.
A new orthorhombic approximant of the icosahedral Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystals; Y. LEI, S. KENZARI, V. DEMANGE, V. FOURNEE, J. M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag. Lett., 88-4 (2008) 279-86.
Complex metallic alloys in the Ce-Au-Sn system: a study of the atomic and electronic structures; S. KENZARI, V. DEMANGE, P. BOULET, M.C. DE WEERD, J. LEDIEU, J.M DUBOIS, V. FOURNEE, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 20 (2008) 095218-25.
Phase transformations induced by nitridation of quasicrystalline AlCuFe powders; S. KENZARI, D. BONINA, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNÉE, Scripta Mat. 59 (2008) 583-586.
Friction anisotropy: a unique and intrinsic property of decagonal quasicrystals; J.Y. PARK, D.F. OGLETREE, M. SALMERON, C.J. JENKS, P.A. THIEL, J. BRENNER, J.M. DUBOIS, J. Mater. Res. 23-5 (2008) 1488-93.
Experimental evidence of the formation of d-like states near the Fermi energy in Complex Metallic Alloys; E. BELIN-FERRÉ, J.M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag., 88 13-15 (2008) 2163-70.
QCs and CMAs: trends for potential applications; M.G. BARTHÈS-LABROUSSE, J.M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag., 88 13-15 (2008) 2217-25.
After 25 years on quasicrystals : where are we, where shall we go ? A personal outlook; J.M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag., 88 13-15 (2008) 2351-56.
Two-fold surface of the decagonal Al-Cu-Co quasicrystal; T. DUGUET, B. ÜNAL, M.C. de WEERD, J. LEDIEU, R.A. RIBEIRO, P.C. CANFIELD, S. DELOUDI, W. STEURER, C.J. JENKS, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNÉE, P.A. THIEL, Phys. Rev. B, 80 (2009) 024201-10.
Complex metallic surface phases in the Al/Cu(111) system: an experimental and computational study; T. DUGUET, E. GAUDRY, T. DENIOZOU, J. LEDIEU, M. C. de WEERD, T. BELMONTE, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNEE, Phys. Rev. B 80 (2009) 205412-1-10.
Structure investigation of the (100) surface of the orthorhombic Al13Co4 crystal; R. ADDOU, E. GAUDRY, T. DENOZIOU, M. HEGGEN, M. FEUERBACHER, P. GILLE, Y. GRIN, R. WIDMER, O. GRÖNING, V. FOURNÉE, J.M. DUBOIS, J. LEDIEU, Phys. Rev. B, 80 (2009) 014203-1-10.
A new complex hexagonal phase, structurally related to the 1/1 approximant in the Ce-Au-Sn system; V. DEMANGE, S. KENZARI, P. BOULET, M.C. de WEERD, J. LEDIEU, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNEE, J. Alloys Compd., 492 (2010) 439-445.
Structural investigation of the (010) surface of the orthorhombic T-Al3(Mn, Pd) crystal; TH. DENIOZOU, R. ADDOU, A. K. SHUKLA, M. HEGGEN, M. FEUERBACHER, M. KRAJCI, J. HAFNER, R. WIDMER, O. GROENING, V. FOURNEE, J.-M. DUBOIS, J. LEDIEU, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 125418 1-12.
Structurally complex metallic coatings in the Al-Cu system and their orientation relatioship with an icosahedral quasicrystal; T. DUGUET, S. KENZARI, V. DEMANGE, T. BELMONTE, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNEE, J. Mat. Research, 25 (2010) 764-70.
Study by optical emission spectroscopy of a physical vapor deposition process for the synthesis of complex AlCuFe(B) coatings; T. DUGUET, V. FOURNEE, J.M. DUBOIS, T. BELMONTE, Surface and Coatings Technology, 205 (2010) 9-14.
Structure investigation of the (110) surface of the γ-Al4Cu9 crystal; E. GAUDRY, A.K. SHUKLA, T. DUGUET, M.-C; de WEERD, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNEE, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 085411 1-11.
Electronic densities of states and pseudo-gaps in Al-based complex intermetallics; E. BELIN-FERRÉ, Z. DANKHASI, M-F. FONTAINE, M.C. de WEERD, J.M. DUBOIS, Croat. Chem. Acta 83 (2010) 55-58.
Structure of the (010) surface of the orthorhombic T-Al3(Mn, Pd) crystal; TH. DENIOZOU, R. ADDOU, A. K. SHUKLA, M. HEGGEN, M. FEUERBACHER, M. KRAJCI, J. HAFNER, R. WIDMER, O. GROENING, V. FOURNEE, J.-M. DUBOIS, J. LEDIEU, Phys. Rev. B 81 (2010) 125418 1-12.
First principle study of low index surfaces of the Al5Co2 complex metallic alloy; S. ALARCON VILASECA, J. M. DUBOIS, E. GAUDRY, Philosophical Magazine, iFirts (2010) 1-10.
Variation of Growth Morphology with Chemical Composition of Terraces: Ag on a Twofold Surface of a Decagonal Al-Cu-Co Quasicrystal; T. DUGUET, B. ÜNAL,*, Y. HAN, J. W. EVANS, J. LEDIEU, C. J. JENKS, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNEE, AND P. A. THIEL, Phys. Rev. B 82 (2010) 224204-1-8.
Nanodomains due to phason defects at a quasicrystal surface; T. DUGUET, B. ÜNAL, J. LEDIEU, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNÉE, P.A. THIEL, Phys. Rev. Lett., 106 (2011) 076101 1-4.
Quasicrystals : diversity and complexity; J.M. DUBOIS, R. LIFSHITZ, Phil. Mag., 1-12, iFirst.
Structural investigation of the (001) surface of the Al9Co2 complex metallic alloy ; S. ALARCON VILLASECA, J. LEDIEU, L. N. SERKOVIC LOLI, M.-C. DE WEERD, P. GILLE, V. FOURNEE, J.-M. DUBOIS, E. GAUDRY, J. Phys. Chem. C 115 (2011) 14922-932.
Pseudomorphy, surface alloys and role of the elementary clusters on the domain orientations in the Cu/Al13Co4(100) system ; R. ADDOU, A. K. SHUKLA, M.-C. de WEERD, P. GILLE, O. GRÖNING, V. FOURNÉE, J.-M. DUBOIS, J. LEDIEU, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter 23 (2011) 435009 (14pp).
Lead adsorption on the Al13Co4 (100) surface : heterogeneous nucléation and pseudomorphic growth ; R. ADDOU, A.K. SHUKLA, S. ALARCON VILASEGA, E. GAUDRY, T. DENIOZOU, M. HEGGEN, M. FEUERBACHER, R. WIDMER, O. GROENING, J. LEDIEU, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNEE, The New Journal of Physics 13 (2011) 103011 (19pp).
Quasicrystal-polymer composites for selective laser sintering technology ; S. KENZARI, D. BONINA, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNEE, Materials and Design, 35 (2012) 691-95.
Residual stress in as-deposited Al-Cu-Fe-B quasicrysdtalline thin films ; S. POLISHCHUK, P. BOULET, A. MEZIN, M.C. de WEERD, S. WEBER, J. LEDIEU, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNÉE, J. Mater. Res., 27-5 (2012) 837-8443.
Structure of the orthorhombic Al13Co4(100) surface using LEED, STM and ab initio studies ; HEEKEUN SHIN, K. PUSSI, E. GAUDRY, J. LEDIEU, V. FOURNEE,, S. ALARCON VILLASECA, J.-M. DUBOIS, YU. GRIN, P. GILLE, W. MORITZ, R. D. DIEHL, Phys. Rev. B. 84 (2011) 085411 1-11.
Lead adsorption on the pseudo-tenfold surface of the Al13Co4 complex metallic alloy: a first principle study ; S. ALARCON VILLASECA, J.M. DUBOIS, E. GAUDRY, Intern. J. Quantum Chem., DOI: 10.1002/qua.24142 (2012) 1-7.
Les alliages métalliques complexes : de nouveaux matériaux pour la fabrication rapide ; S. KENZARI, D. BONINA, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNÉE, L’Actualité Chimique, 366 (2012) 36-41.
Structural investigation of the (010) surface of the Al13Fe4 catalyst ; J. LEDIEU, E. GAUDRY, L.N. SERKOVIC LOLI, S. ALARCON VILLASECA, M.-C. de WEERD, P. GILLE, Y. GRIN, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNEE, Phys. Rev. Lett., 110 (2013) 076102 1-5.
Structural investigation of Pb absorption on the (010) surface of the orthorhombic T-Al3(Mn,Pd) crystal, R. ADDOU, A.K. SHUKLA, Th. DENIOZOU, M. HEGGEN, M. FEUERBACHER, O. GRÖNING, V. FOURNEE, J.M. DUBOIS, J. LEDIEU, Surface Science 611 (2013) 74-79.
Quasicrystals: potential and actual usefulness; J.M. DUBOIS, La Gazette du Vide, 27 (2013) 8-11.
Oxygen adsorption on the Al9Co2(001) surface: first-principles and STM study; S. ALARCON VILLASECA, L.N. SERKOVIC LOLI, J. LEDIEU1, V. FOURNEE, P. GILLE, J.-M. DUBOIS. E. GAUDRY, J. Phys. : Cond. Matter, 25 (2013) 355003 (8pp).
Geometrically frustrated magnetism of spins on icosahedral clusters: The case of Gd3Au13Sn4 quasicrystalline approximant; P. KOŽELJ, S. JAZBEC, S. VRTNIK, A. JELEN, M. JAGODIČ, Z. JAGLIČIĆ, P. BOULET, M.C. DE WEERD, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNEE, J. DOLINSEK, Phys. Rev. B, 88 (2013) 21402 (11p).
Complex metallic alloys as new materials for additive manufacturing; S. KENZARI, D. BONINA, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNÉE, Sci. Tech. Adv. Mater., 15 (2014) 024802 (9pp).
Friction and solid-solid adhesion on complex metallic alloys ; J.M. DUBOIS, E. BELIN-FERRÉ, Sci. Tech. Adv. Mater. 15 (2014) 034804 (20pp).
Additive manufacturing of lightweight, fully Al-based components using quasicrystals; S. KENZARI, D. BONINA, J. M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNÉE, J. Mat. Processing Tech. 214 (2014) 3108-3111.
Quasicrystal-polymer composites for additive manufacturing technology ; S. KENZARI, D. BONINA, A. DEGIOVANNI, J.M. DUBOIS, V. FOURNÉE, Acta Physica Polonica, 126 (2) (2014) 449-452.
Electronic Properties and Complexity of Al-based Complex Metallic Alloys (CMAs) ; J.M. DUBOIS, E., BELIN-FERRÉ, Acta Physica Polonica, 126 (2) (2014) 453-457.
Push-pull alloys and the legacy of Dan Shechtman ; J.M. DUBOIS, Proceedings of the Shechtman International Symposium, Sustainable Industrial Processing Submit & Exhibition, Cancun (Mexico), 30/06-04/07/2014, pp. 41-61 (2014) ISSN 2291-1200.
The Usefulness of Complex Metallic Alloys: Secured Breakthroughs and Applications on the Market ; J.M. DUBOIS, Special issue on Recent Patents on Materials Science, Bentham Science Pub., 8-3 (2015) 86-90. DOI: 10.2174/187446480802150512194957.
Wetting and adhesion properties of quasicrystals and complex metallic alloys.
J.M. DUBOIS, E. BELIN-FERRÉ, Applied Adhesion Science, 3-28 (2015) 1-16 DOI
Indirect assessment of the surface energy of the Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal; D. CAVALCANTE-GUEDES de LIMA, T. ANDRADE DOS PASSOS, M.-C. de WEERD, S. KENZARI, R. MEDEIROS GOMES, S.J. GUEDES DE LIMA, J.-M. DUBOIS, J. Materials Science, 51 (2016) 4070-4078.
Random-anisotropy ferromagnetic state in the Cu5Gd0.52Ca0.42 intermetallic compound; M. KRNEL, P. KOŽELJ, S. VRTNIK, A. KOCJAN, Z. JAGLIČIĆ, P. BOULET, M.C. DE WEERD, J.M. DUBOIS, J. DOLINŠEK, Phys. Rev. B 93(9) (2016) 094202 (14 pp).Self-lubricating, low-friction, wear-resistant Al-based quasicrystalline coatings; B. A. SILVA GUEDES de LIMA, R. MEDEIROS GOMES, S.J. GUEDES de LIMA, D. DRAGOE, M.-G. BARTHES-LABROUSSE, R. KOUITAT-NJIWA, J.M. DUBOIS, Sci. Techn. Advanced Mat., 17-1 (2016) 71-79.
Stabilization of Ce-Cu-Fe amorphous alloys by addition of Al; L. KELHAR, J. FERČIČ, P. BOULET, M. MAČEK-KRŽMANC, S. ŠTURM, M. LAMUT, B. MARKOLI, S. KOBE, J.-M. DUBOIS, Phil. Mag., DOI: 10.1080/14786435.2016.1229062.Solid solubilitity in Cu5Gd1-xCax system : structure, stability and hydrogenation; A. KOCJAN, L. KELHAR, A. GRADIŠEK, B. LIKOZAR, K. ŽAGAR, J. GHANBAJA, S. KOBE, J.-M. DUBOIS, Advances in Mater. Sci. and Eng. Article ID 9203623, 9pp (2017),
Metastable quasicrystals in Al-Mn alloys containing copper, magnesium and silicon; L. NAGLIC, Z. SAMARDZIJA, K. DELIJIC, S. KOBE, J.-M. DUBOIS, B. LESKOVAR, B. MARKOLI, J. Mater. Sci. DOI 10.1007/s10853-017-1477-8.
L’Institut Jean Lamour, sa vie, son oeuvre; J.M. DUBOIS, Mémoires de l’Académie de Stanislas,
The role of Fe and Cu additions on the structural, thermal and magnetic properties of amorphous Al-Ce-Fe-Cu alloys ; L. KELHAR, J. FERCIC, M. MACEK-KRZMANC, J. ZAVASNIK, S. STURM, P. KOZELJ, S. KOBE, J.-M. DUBOIS, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 483 (2018) 70-78, doi : 10.1016/j.jnoncrysol.2018.01.003.
Properties of SPS-processed permanent magnets prepared from rapidly solidified Nd-Fe-B powders; T. TOMŠE, J. JAĆIMOVIĆ, L. HERRMANN, F. GREUTER, R. SIMON, S. TEKAVEC, J.-M. DUBOIS, S. KOBE, Journ. Alloys & Compounds, doi: 10.1016/j.jallcom.2018.01.411.
6. Brevets / patents
Alliages d'aluminium amorphes ou microcristallins.
FRANCE : déposé le 06-07-1982, FR 2529909, délivré le 01-12-1986
EUROPE : EP 100287, délivré le 12-11-1986
U.S.A. : 4595429, délivré le 17-06-1986
U.S.A. : n° 4710246, délivré le 01-12-1987
CANADA : n° 1214665, délivré le 02-12-1986
DANEMARK : n° 163883, délivré le 14-09-1992
ISRAEL : n° 69123, délivré le 01-07-1987
JAPON : n° 1536547, délivré le 28-03-1989
NORVEGE : n° 160862, délivré le 06-07-1989
Matériaux de revêtement en alliage d'aluminium.
FRANCE : déposé le 04-08-1988, n° 2635117, délivré le 23-04-1993
EUROPE : n° 0356287, délivré le 06-07-1994
U.S.A. : n° 5204191, délivré le 20-04-1993
JAPON : n° 508851/89 du 02-08-1989
CANADA : n° 607461, délivré le 06-12-1994
MALAISIE : n° MY-106241-A, délivré le 29-04-1995
PCT : FR89/00403 du 02-08-1989
Alliages d'aluminium à propriétés spécifiques. J.M. DUBOIS, A. PIANELLI
FRANCE : déposé le 18-01-1991, n° 2671808, délivré le 17-06-1994
EUROPE : 92904842.9, déposé le 15-01-1992
USA : n° 5432011, délivré le 11-07-1995
JAPON : 505001/92 du 15-01-1992
AUSTRALIE : n° 648876, délivré le 04-03-1994
PCT : FR92/00030 du 15-01-1992
Cordon pour revêtement par projection au chalumeau et son utilisation pour déposer sur un substrat une phase quasicristalline.
FRANCE : déposé le 13-03-1991, n° 2673871, délivré le 10-03-1995
EUROPE : n° 92400637.2-2106 du 11-03-1992
USA : n°5424127, délivré le 13-06-1995
CANADA : 2062547 du 09-03-1992
AUSTRALIE n° 649109, délivré le 30-08-1994
JAPON : n° 54646/92 du 29-03-1994
POLOGNE : P293821 du 12-03-1992.
Elément de protection thermique constitué par un alliage d'aluminium quasicristallin. J.M. DUBOIS, P. ARCHAMBAULT, B. COLLERET
FRANCE : déposé le 20-12-1991, n° 2685349, délivré le 25-03-1994
EUROPE : 93902342 du 17-12-1992
CANADA : 2106399 du 17-12-1992
USA : 08/098317 du 17-12-1992
JAPON : 511479/93 du 17-12-1992
PCT : FR92/01197 du 17-12-1992
Revêtements métalliques à base d'alliages amorphes résistant à l'usure et à la corrosion.
FRANCE : n° 92/06535, déposé le 22-05-92
Barrières thermiques à résistance améliorée au choc thermique.
FRANCE : déposé le 23-12-1992, n° 2699554 délivré le 24-02-1995
AUSTRALIE : n° 52719/93 du 23-12-1993
CANADA : n° 2112191 du 22-12-1993
EUROPE : n° 93403009.9 du 13-12-1993
JAPON : n° 5-345555 du 22-12-1993
POLOGNE : n° P-301607 du 22-12-1993
USA : n° 5472920, délivré le 05-12-1995
Dispositifs pour l'absorption du rayonnement infrarouge comprenant un élément en alliage quasicristallin.
FRANCE : n° 95.03939, déposé le 04.04.95
Revêtement en matériau quasicritallin pour chapeau de brûleur à gaz.
FRANCE : n° 95.09310, déposé le 31-07-95
Procédé de préparation d’alliages quasicristallins AlCuFeMB, les alliages obtenus et leurs applications.
FRANCE : déposé le 23-02-96, n° 96.02224
Recubrimientos quasicristalinos tipo barrera termica para la proteccion de componentes de las zonas calientes de turbinas.
ESPAGNE : déposé le 04-10-96, n° P9602084.
Particules polymétalliques ultrafines, leur préparation et leur utilisation pour l'hydrogénation d'oléfines ou pour le couplage de dérivés halogénés aromatiques.
FRANCE : déposé le 23-09-1997, n° 97.11814.
Matériau constitué par des particules métalliques et par des particules d’oxyde ultrafines
FRANCE : déposé le 20-10-1998, n° 98.13113.
Revêtement en alliage d’aluminium, pour ustensile de cuisson.
FRANCE : déposé le 16-02-2004, n° 04.01536.
EUROPE : déposé le 09.02.2005, n° 05 717 591.1.
CANADA : déposé le 09.02.2005, n°2,554,285, délivré le 27.11.2012.
Dernière mise à jour le 10 février 2018.